Balance Acupuncture Shaping - Weight Loss
Without active dieting, you can lose excess fat, tighten the skin, not loose, not wrinkled, shape and lose weight, and not easy to rebound.
Balance acupuncture and weight loss is based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, using traditional acupuncture, cupping, infrared lamps and other methods, through dredging the meridians, conditioning the functions of the viscera, stimulate the body’s own inherent regulating function, promote metabolism, accelerate fat decomposition, so as to achieve weight loss , body sculpting and obesity prevention purposes.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human body itself is an organic whole composed of multiple systems. When internal factors, external factors, and no internal factors destroy the pathological process formed by the dynamic balance of yin and yang, the overall reaction principle of “all things inside must be formed outside” will inevitably appear. , the lesions in various parts of the human body are actually a local manifestation of the overall lesions. (Example: obesity, muscle pain, high and low shoulders, spine skew, headache, tension, etc.)
No side effects, suitable for a wide range of people. For those who are ineffective in losing weight for a long time, fail to lose weight with drugs, are afraid of hunger during dieting, are afraid of pain during surgery, and are afraid of fatigue through exercise, they can achieve the goal of losing weight through balanced acupuncture slimming therapy. This therapy is currently very effective. Effective, green and healthy way to lose weight.
Weight loss can also adjust the body at the same time (such as: muscle pain, high and low shoulders, hunchback, headache, tension, etc.)
Therapeutic features
The essence of the homeostatic system is the self-regulatory function in the human body. Acupuncture is used to adjust, improve and repair, so as to stimulate and mobilize the material energy in the body and promote the benign outcome of the body in pathological conditions.
Balance Meridian
The meridians are connected with the internal organs and the limbs on the outside, running through the upper, lower, left and right sides, communicating the inside and outside, connecting the various tissues and organs of the body into an organic whole, so that the body maintains coordination and unity. Regulate yin and yang. The function of transmitting information. Coordinate the function, metabolism and morphology of the body’s organ systems. Through acupuncture and moxibustion, it regulates the imbalance of the human endocrine system, strengthens the immune system, and improves and promotes the digestive system. Accelerates fat decomposition, diuresis, sweating, and detoxification, so as to achieve the effect of eliminating water and dampness, losing weight and reducing lipids.
System Balance
Balance acupuncture regulates the nervous system, including the balance of the peripheral nerves and the central nervous system, and restores the balance disorder to the dynamic changes of the function of restoring the balance, so as to achieve the purpose of self-adjustment, improvement, repair and self-healing of the body.
Adapt to the crowd
- Obesity caused by congenital obesity and acquired overnutrition
- Teenagers who are obese year by year during puberty
- Postpartum women who are obese due to excess nutrition
- Women who are obese due to less activity and endocrine disorders in middle age
- Obese women in menopause
- Long-term heavy drinking pages appear beer belly
- Those whose weight tends to be normal and the body shape is uneven
- Local obesity
- Those who have used a variety of weight loss methods and the effect is not good
Balance Acupuncture Shaping
- Weight Loss $165(90mins)
针灸/ Acupuncture – $165 (90mins)
初次问诊/ Initial consultation – $30 (Free)
拔罐/ Cupping – $45 (Free)
按摩/ Massage (5mins)- $15 (Free)
整个治疗过程 90分钟